Daily Log#


Run DR1.1 Notebook to produce DR1_full.csv


Problem with the 2021_10_28 sample (ethane+ASW - electron irradiation) –> (not included in DR1_full, named change to DR1_2021_10_28_All-scansX.csv (so not picked up by glob function))


  • Corrected the file 141 (2021_10_18) and run DR1

  • Check the file name for remaining ethane sample when spl mistake Rerunned:

  • 2021_01_29

  • 2021_02_24

  • 2021_03_08

  • 2021_03_24

  • 2021_07_16

  • 2021_08_16

  • 2021_09_20

  • 2021_09_23

  • 2021_09_27

  • 2021_10_04

  • 2021_10_07

  • 2021_10_11

OK, DR1 routine has now been performed for all samples.



  • Downloaded H2O ice spectra from Leiden Ice Database

  • Finish splitting DR1 (Sanity Check_Merging)


  • ✅ 2020_12_03

  • ✅ 2021_01_29

  • ✅ 2021_02_24

  • ✅ 2021_03_08 - CO2 contamination at some point - supress some scans ?

  • ✅ 2021_03_24

  • ✅ 2021_07_16 - CO2 contamination

  • ✅ 2021_08_16

  • ✅ 2021_09_15

  • ✅ 2021_09_18 - good ethane only sample

  • ✅ 2021_09_19

  • ✅ 2021_09_20

  • ✅ 2021_09_23

  • ✅ 2021_09_27

  • ✅ 2021_10_04

  • ✅ 2021_10_07

  • ✅ 2021_10_11

  • ❌ 2021_10_18 - Problem in reduction routine at scan 141 - Redo OMNIC smooth

  • ✅ 2021_10_22 - no ethane

  • ✅ 2021_10_24 - Good for ethane band shifting in progress !!

  • ✅ 2021_10_28

  • generate DR1_full and put on figshare ?

  • Start splitting DR2

    • Create 3 subnotbooks: ASW, C2H6, ASW_c2h6

  • Find Dartois ethane article and check for BC procedure


Forgot to swith between C2H6 and C2H6_ASW

  • Some samples name may be wrong

problem w/ scan 141 for sample 2021_10_18

Ethane Reduction#


Was wondering if it worth taking notes of ethane range within data_annex at the DR1 stage

Sample comparison to check consistency of ethane peak

Lines are located at:

  • 3025 (3000 may be better option)

  • 2963

  • 2950

  • 2893

  • 2870

Looks like water + ethane shifts ethane peaks

No need to modify DR1 at this point

  • Same reduction for all samples! we will check in DR2 to check for max peak absorbance etc.



  • Finish splitting DR1 (Sanity Check_Merging)

    • What are the samples in DR1_full ?

      • 2021_07_13

      • 2021_05_24

      • 2021_05_13

      • 2020_11_23 (40K dep)

      • 2020_11_19

      • 2020_11_16

      • 2020_10_22

      • 2020_10_14

      • 2020_09_28

      • 2020_09_21

      • 2020_09_17

      • 2020_09_16

      • 2020_09_15

    • All 20K Samples ? (missing 2021_05_08, 2021_02_09)

    • perform for remaining samples (including ethane)

They will have a different reduction routine (ie, one data_annex file will be generated after each DR steps)


  • ✅ 2020_09_24

  • ✅ 2020_10_15

  • ✅ 2020_10_30 - lots of different baseline !

  • ✅ 2020_11_26 - Leak valve open (really) - Interesting sample :)

  • ✅ 2021_01_21 - 2 scans only

  • ✅ 2021_01_25

  • ✅ 2021_02_09 - Super interesting sample (lots of things to do in processing phase - create specific Notebook and be creative)

  • ✅ 2021_04_26

  • ✅ 2021_05_08 - DODGY BASELINE - could be good to test different DR2 routines


  • generate DR1_full and put on figshare ?

  • Start splitting DR2

    • Create 3 subnotbooks: ASW, C2H6, ASW_c2h6

  • Find Dartois ethane article and check for BC procedure

DR1_full.csv ?#

Created DR1.1 subnotebook to produce it once all the samples have been reduced

  • Figshare implementation (is it the best ?)



  • ✅ Create one specific Notebook for T_Ramp -> XP_list_test implementation - DR0

    • What are the samples missing in XP_list_test ?

    • ✅ XP_1-1

      • ✅ 2020_09_24

      • ✅ 2020_10_15

      • ✅ 2020_10_30

      • ✅ 2020_11_23 - first scan 30K - WRONG deposition is 40K - CORRECT !!!

      • ✅ 2020_11_26

      • 2021_01_21 - null-sample

      • ✅ 2021_01_25

      • ✅ 2021_02_09

      • ✅ 2021_04_26

      • ✅ 2020_05_08

    • ✅ XP_1-2

      • ✅ 2021_07_16

      • ✅ 2021_08_16

      • ✅ 2021_10_18



  • ✅ Finish Book Skeleton

    • Delete Thesis book structure and implement chapters section

  • Finish Implementing sample list in Data Processing (split into ASW - Ethane - Mixture)

  • Split Data_Reduction Notebook into 3 Notebooks (DR1, DR2, DR3)

    • Easier to work with

Week 1#




  • Finish Book Skeleton

  • Implement nb extensions:

    • Ortograph corrector

    • Rise presentation

  • Finish implementing all samples into XP-1_1 and XP-1_2

  • Put first version online

Data Reduction

  • Split Data_Reduction_full Notebook into 3 smaller ones

    • DR1

    • DR2

    • DR3

  • Create sub-notebooks for specific samples

    • Higher T samples

    • Ethane samples

Litterature Review

  • Put in place the right structure for the .bib files

  • Read and implement Ice structures, patterns, and processes: A view across the ice fields



  • ✅ Finish Book Skeleton

    • Delete Thesis book structure and implement chapters section

  • Finish Implementing sample list in Data Processing (split into ASW - Ethane - Mixture)

  • Split Data_Reduction Notebook into 3 Notebooks (DR1, DR2, DR3)

    • Easier to work with


Meeting w/ Anita#

  • Review together Gant chart (make upward Link)

    • Submission

    • Drafts ?

Realistic Aims

  • Data Analysis full time until mid October.

  • Correct Chapter 5 and 6 until end November - hand for Supervision comments

  • December January Draft Chapter 1 + Method section - hand for supervision comments

  • Febraury - April : Write chapter 2,3,4 - hand for supervision comments

  • Submission - End of May

  • Monthly plan

    • Use Data_Binder Notebook () to compare, classify and ** clean ? ** the different samples

    • Data_Processing Notebook (improve along the way) to Compare the samples

      • Could host cleaning (declutter) routine

    • Generate some Results to present at Astra conference

  • Holliday (mid September)

  • Keep working on Jim project for rest of the week

    • (Example?)

Preliminary work#

  • Read the different Notebooks and critisize

  • Implement notes by modifying the Copied version