IR Spectroscopy#
Part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
EM Spectrum#
Infrared absorbtion#
Identify functional groups within molecules.
We used a Nicolet Nexus 670 FTIR spectrometer combined with an external mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector to aquire our IR spectrum.
spectrum = Intensity (y axis) vs Wavenumber (x axis)
red-shift -> Bathochromic shift (shift to longer wavelength)
blue-shift -> Hypsochromic shift (shift to shorter wavelength)
Ice growth and thickness measurments#
The ice films are grown by physical vapour deposition (pure or mixed).
prior to deposition background is aquired
Insert background figure
(may be can go in previous section)
Monitoring the growth#
Monocromatic light (HeNe laser with wavelength λ = 638 nm) is