Daily Log#
Week 3 (16 - 22 Jan)#
Code DR1
WS nb-museum
🌱 For me
To Do
Insert here what I have to do
🌍 The rest of the World
Insert here what I want my supervisors to review
Legend: ✅ (✅) - ❌ (❌) - ➜ (➜)
Open the code in Jupyter Lab
Try to run and solve problems when they arise (note them down below)
Sample Overview#
Work on the sample Folder architecture
Split into Data-RAW and Data-Processing ✅
Split into XP-1_1 and XP-1_2 (is it usefull really ?) - may be an extra complication when we want to compare samples between different experiments.
Check that no sample is missing and that the numbers of scans is correct
Purpose: The purpose is to manually implement the temperature ramp of each sample into a single csv containing all the samples: XP_list_test.csv
Can I find this csv somewhere - ✅
Is it complete (does he have all the samples) - ❌
14 samples missing - to add