Condensed Phase#
To Do
Think about coherent plan
Star formation is not my expertise so if you want to help, feel free to comment the contribution you could make
Water in the condensed phase#
» Phase diagram
The earth is the only planet of our solar system that can sustain water in itβs three physical states (solid, liquid, gas).
- supercooled liquid water
- High density vs low density liquid
- Scihub link - Structure and phase diagram of high-density water: The role of interstitial molecules - Molecular dynamics paper but interesting
Infrared Investigation
IR Spectra of the different phases
Gas spectra
Absorption spectra of liquid and solid water
» Cluster
Water dimer
History Review
- Exp []
- Model []
Influence on the IR bands
Cooperative Hydrogen Bonding
increase in dipole moment with the increase in hydrogen bonding coordination
Effect on the IR vibrations
- []
what these underlying absorption peaks represent?
- Is it the number of H bonds that is important []
- the Type of H bonds (single, bifurcated, trifurcated) ?
- HB bending angle ? []
- Nature of the formed or broken donor and acceptor hydrogen bonds []
- length of the hydrogen bonds []
The absorption bands also reflect coherent vibrational transfer involving several to many water molecules - [] (liquid water work)
Fitting method
- []
OH stretch is big potato, sum of multiple subfeature (peaks)
Gaussian or Lorentzian ?
- Voight profile ? (combination of both)
Other clusters
» Crystalisation
At molecular scales (few molecules up to 100 ?) - Matrix isolation techniques

At what number of molecule do you consider a solid phase
Glasses and supercooled liquids#
- Review: []