in Space#

Intro catchy phrase

In the vastness of space, where darkness abounds,
And the stars shine bright with no earthly sounds,
Thereā€™s a beauty, found in the depths of the void,
Where water ice crystals are ubiquitously deployed.

Far from the warmth of the sunā€™s bright rays,
In the cold, dark regions, the ice crystals play,
A pristine beauty, frozen and still,
A sight thatā€™s majestic, serene, and chill.

In the far-off planets, beyond our own,
Where ice is abundant, and lifeā€™s unknown,
Water ice covers the surfaces with grace,
And shines like diamonds in the depths of space.

From the rings of Saturn to Plutoā€™s frozen plains,
The beauty of water ice forever reigns,
A marvel of nature, pure and bright,
A breathtaking sight thatā€™s out of sight.

So let us gaze upon the cosmic skies,
And marvel at the beauty that meets our eyes,
Water ice in space, a sight to behold,
A wondrous sight that never grows old.

ā€“ Vince (& ChatGPT)



Change image!


Water Molecule

Condensed phase

Water Models

Hexagonal Ice

Ice doesnā€™t form in space like on Earth. Actually the type of ice we will speak about doesnā€™t naturally occur at the Earth surface.


  • Interstellar dust
    • Formation
    • Evolution
    • Processing
    • Observation

  • Where ?
    • Protoplanetary disks
    • Solar System
    • ISM

  • In the laboratory

Key Litterature:

  • 1
  • 2


  • 1
  • 2

  • radmc-3d - Radiative transfer model
    • []

Molecules in space#

Linking Observations and experiments#

Water is the most abundant solid-state molecule in space [],

  • insert list of molecules detected
  • Different space environments (scope is within the galaxy)
    • Circumstellar shells
    • ISM
      • Diffuse ISM
      • Molecular clouds
    • Protoplanetary Disk
    • Comets
    • Planets and solar system icy bodies

Some molecules have been detected in comets but not in the ISM.

  • Insert table of space conditions in the ISM environments

Most of them have been detected into the gas phase (from radio astronomy: ALMA) but How do they form

  • At the surface of micrometer dust

Interstellar Dust#

» Formation


Star Death


Atomic Deposition

Insert video about dust forming

» Evolution

Insert diagram

The Dust cycle in the galaxy

Is it a layerd system or is the ice and dust mixed ?

  • []

Grain growth

Check P.M. Bellan group papers (Caltech)

» Processing

Ice form around interstellar dust grains that are less than 1 Āµm in size like shown in figure X. Letā€™s pause for a second and have a closer look at those because despite their size, they play a gigantic role in the story of the universe.
Dust grain


» Infrared telescope

Spatial telescopes to avoid atmosphere absorbtion. Target the 3Āµm ice band .
















» How does it work ?

Molecular Absorption Spectrum


IR Signatures:

  • H20
  • NH3
  • SiO2
Dartois sub 3



» The 3µm Ice band

More Spectrum (Amorphous Crystaline)

Water as a tracer of Interstellar processes#

Molecular synthesis#

» In space

We stated on the previous chapter (link) that ASW doesnā€™t occure naturally on earth but can we find it in space ? Yes, here is where

Molecular Clouds

Protoplanetary Disks

Temperature gradient (mxture). Evolution with time (energetic events - Star Outburst ā€¦)

Snow line

» Solar Systems

  • ASW or crystaline ice on Ganymede []


In the laboratory#

Yes, we can produce little volume of space in my lab. Using a high vaccum chamber ā€¦

  • link to method

The ice today#