Condensed Phase#


Intro paragraph


  • Summary



Water in the condensed phase#

» Phase diagram

The earth is the only planet of our solar system that can sustain water in it’s three physical states (solid, liquid, gas).


  • supercooled liquid water

  • High density vs low density liquid

    • Scihub link - Structure and phase diagram of high-density water: The role of interstitial molecules - Molecular dynamics paper but interesting


Fig. 8 Explain: source MC#


Fig. 9 Explain: source MC#

Phase diagram 2 source

Infrared Investigation


IR Spectra of the different phases

Gas spectra
Absorption spectra of liquid and solid water

» Cluster

Water dimer

History Review

Influence on the IR bands

Cooperative Hydrogen Bonding

increase in dipole moment with the increase in hydrogen bonding coordination

Effect on the IR vibrations


what these underlying absorption peaks represent?

The absorption bands also reflect coherent vibrational transfer involving several to many water molecules - [Yang and Skinner, 2010] (liquid water work)

Fitting method

OH stretch is big potato, sum of multiple subfeature (peaks)

Gaussian or Lorentzian ?
  • Voight profile ? (combination of both)

Other clusters

[Aida and Akase, 2019]

» Crystalisation

At molecular scales (few molecules up to 100 ?) - Matrix isolation techniques



At what number of molecule do you consider a solid phase