To include#



Dans méthodes, créer differentes sections relatives a l’astronomie:

  • Model
  • Observation
  • Experiments


Model FEOSAD (to find) to study pebble formation


This digital space where you have just set foot, is an experiment whose aim is to challenge the current scientific publication system by offering a creative alternative. There is a long way to go to get there though, and for the time being, it is a collection of Jupyter Books. They are canvas to share my research outputs and explore the tools available to make it Findable, Accesible, Interoperable and Reusable.


To implement

Potential funding / collaboration option:


PhD Thesis

Objectives #


nb-master #

Explain here what the website is about and the objective it is aimed at.

nb-museum #

Explain here what the website is about and the objective it is aimed at.
  • Info

Museum flag alt >

Where you are now

  • GitHub last commit

  • GitHub repo size

  • GitHub contributors

  • visitors

  • watchers

  • stars

  • To Do Lists
Trello Board
  • RSS Flux

nb-phd #

Explain here what the website is about and the objective it is aimed at.
  • Info


Project 1

  • GitHub last commit

  • GitHub repo size

  • GitHub contributors

  • visitors

  • watchers

  • stars

  • To Do Lists
Trello Board
  • RSS Flux

To do#

  • refaire la page d’intro et insérer propres card pour les differentes sections.