Interative & Transparent Peer Review#

Make science more communicative.

This website is aimed at everybody, and what you will get from it depends on who you are and what are your aspirations so first things first …

Who are you ?#

Audience Ecosystem #


Insert fish diagram

Where to go ? #

By exploring you can cretae your own journey

Don't be affraid to get lost!


Insert Bubble plan



Is encouraged to interact and participate in the realisation of this website

Interaction Post-it #

Note / Question

Sometimes, for the purpose of interactivity, I will ask you some questions, feel free to comment your answers 😉


I would ❤ you to comment every word of this website. But please be mindfull of the ✏ pages that are formal thesis pages.

Info / Idea

Info and Ideas

See also

The best advantage of a web-site is that you can link to various other pages or documents, so go check those out!

Feel free to leave a reply#

Collaborate #

Github is …

I am not an expert with github but what I know is that it allow people to fork the repository

  • Tutorial



Review #

Hypothesis is …

How to use



Buttons (Top right corner)#

I am using Hypothesis as a Peer Review tool. Just higlight any word, sentense or paragraph of this website and you will see apeearing two buttons as shown in the image. If you click on the annotate button, you will be able to write your comment directly on the web-page.



To include

  • Code of conduct in dropdown tab
