

On the result of
my PhD procrastination:



My Online , unique and independant ... 🥁

Academic Home#

a live experiment dedicated to explore the feasability of ...

    An online scientific publication and public engagement plateform

    Self-own, creative, independant, interactive, collaborative and lifelong

    Aimed at promoting collaboration between multi-disciplinary scientistist

    By providing the space and tools to create and sustain a constructive dialogue

    With a broad spectrum of audiences

    Free and Open-Source, with no adds or cookies


This website

In progress

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Le reste de cette page est en construction !



Tools to interact with the page


Interact and play with the code


Annotate every word in this web-site.


Github, Figshare Code and data repositories.


Utterances (needs login - Github account) is a space at the bottom of each page for more relax comments.

Chat / Forum


All we need to create and sustain an ...

Open Dialogue 😁

My house (my rules), to host, display and discuss my scientific outputs (and more).

Academia is a peculiar world that lies at the margin of society. It has his own code and practices far from the concerns of the average citizen. However it is not exampt from the appetite of capitalism who gangren the scientific publication system with extremely profitable market strategy (link blog). Academia is (surprisingly ?) extremely conservative and appears impossible to change, and yet this is an adventure I would like to embrace. To do so, I have empowered myself with a set of open source tools to create my own publication plateform, within which you are currently traveling. Very often when debating with my friends, I used to ask:

And if you had the chance to start from a blank page, what would you do ?

Well this is it, a dream come true, a blank page on top of which I can design and draw my own ideas of how science should be published and shared: Free, Open source, Accessible, Interactive, Fun... Those are the values I want to give to my work, and hence what I will do, one way or the other. I hope you will enjoy!

Come in !!


By Vincent Deguin

Scientist (in the making), Web-developper, Publisher, Artist, Artisan of a better world ...

8 Rooms

Each is a dedicated website that I populate incrementally during my scientific journey



Research notes






More infos


The different websites can be accessed via the top nav bar. The cards above will direct you to a presentation page within this website where you can find some more infos and the content you can find on the relevant website.
Question: Is it clear ? can I do it better ?

I think it is important when reading about science to know who you are talking to. I, for example, am not (yet) a Scientist, and you should take everything I say with caution.








Current State

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Work in progress
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a Journey
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Online Book
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Your quest

Briefs messages

flag alt >     A mes amis

Oui, vous avez fait l’effort de naviguer dans ce contenue hostile pour arriver jusque là et je vous en remercie. J’en profite aussi pour m’excuser du fait que le site soit écrit en anglais, malhereusement il s’agit du langage “universel” que les scientifiques utilisent pour communiquer entre eux, et je ne peux m’y soustraire. En revanche j’essairai toujours d’écrire quelques pages en Francais par ci par la pour que vous puissiez y trouver votre compte et vous familiariser avec ce milieu et certains de ces concepts.

A pour Anarchiste évidemment. 3 parce que le Web 3.0. Une idée du web pas forcement nouvel (2010) mais qui tarde a se mettre en place

L’impossible n’a pas de réelle valeur pour moi. Je suis un idéaliste, un utopiste, quelqu’un de naif, candide, parfois même un con, certains diront.

Beaucoup de temps sur le projet de site et pas assé sur la recherche. La possibilité de l’échec

Trouver une porte de sortie qui me laisse la possibilité de réouvrir la porte plus tard. Pourquoi plus tard et pas maintenant ?

Oui je prend un risque, mais je pense que le jeu en vaut la chandelle.

A déja commencé

Déja partiellement atteint.

flag alt >     My fellow scientists

I think it is important when reading about science to know who is talking to you.

flag alt >     Institutions

Are you ready to embrace innovation
