
Scientific Publication System


Blog Post

Scientific Publication, how it works, what is good and wrong about it.

Changing the publication Culture

Why ?


Broader reach -> Bigger impact

My Solution#



Using 21st century tools to create and sustain a constructive scientific dialogue

The emergence of the internet unfolded new ways to share and discuss content of all sorts. We now have a rich ecocystem of Open source projects facilitated by the Licence creative common and yet, scientists are still relying on a 17th century old method to share their knowledge (scientific papers). The method evolved for centuries to become one of the most lucrative business as well as a technique enslaving scientists to the publication system (by the use of metrics and their importance in career advancement). This is perverting science. I think it is time to go forward in the way we share our research outputs and create a new system designed for our Open Science needs.


By empowering scientists with a single plateform embeding all the necessary tools and methodologies for Open Science

From all the tools mentioned on the right, the one you may be less familiar with is Jupyter Book. It is an open software, part of the Project Jupyter, that takes a collection of jupyter notebooks and markdown files, compile them to produce a static web-site. I think I can deliver a proof of concept version of a single web-plateform designed to help researcher retake possesion of their work. I see every piece of research like a furniture item, owing a web-site is like having a home within wich you can implement your furniture and design it according to your taste, and those of your guests.


Build, publish and share, beautiful publication-quality books and documents, from all your research outputs

  • Develop and maintain their research toolbox
  • Produce, store, edit and share all their scientific notes,
  • Publish all your Research Outputs

I think at this point it is best to show you an example: The web-site on the right is a Research compendium produced using Jupyter-Book. This book is part of the Science For the People project whose aim is to empower researcher to self-publish themselves in an open and innovative way, far from the unsustainable current publication system. This Book focus on my PhD project.


Providing an alternative to the current publication system

  • Most usefull for PhD students (use from Start)
  • Adaptable to individual needs
  • multiscale
