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Idea: IceAge

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NIRCam: From Data to Ice Maps: Initial Results from IceAge, A JWST Early Release Science program (Zak Smith Talk 14/02/2023)


Results can’t be shared

  • cf Image from paper (Star forming region)


  • Include image

Digg deeper than ever before.


3 different instruments

  • NIRSPEC (2.5 - 5 µ)
  • Nircam - Zak contribution
  • Miri

Absorption from ice (from background sources)

  • Ice chemical composition

Why study ice#

Origin of life - How do the molecules that create life came to be

Ice second most comon molecule in the Universe (after H2).

Dust Burk et al 2010 check suutarinnen 2017


  • Slit vs slitless spectroscopy (more effective but lots of difficulties arising from it)

Visual extinction (Av) = density

Ice maps#

Akari Suutarinen 2017

The denser the region, the more ice there is

Zak Ice map#

75 sources

How are they produced#

Photutils Source extraction package (Python)

Zooniverse project / Machine learning bit (not understood)

How much ice is there#

Model the background

2nd order polynomial (star background + visual extinction)

-> Optical depth spectra - Integrate area below the curve -> column density -> Ice maps

Water CO and CO2 Ice maps


  • Region < 100AU probed
  • Ice not evenly distributed
  • Different species dominates
  • Dangling OH is probed (First time) Ice is porous

French colleague with models -> Who ?

Lots of things produced today that will be used long term - What how, by who ?