Semantic Web#



Fig. 8 Source#


Use following termonologie to add definitions


Rich results from google search



To download, read and put in refs



  • RDF : Data model for metadata

  • XML

  • Ontology

  • JSON

  • Knowledge graph

  • JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite Source - xml for scientif articles / publications


  • How does myst metadata translate into html (is it meta tags in head ?)
  • Can I add extra metadata within elements by using block breaks
+++ {"meta": "data"}

Semantic Web and Executable books#

Semantic Web and Science #


To investigate because sphinx extension available !! :)

Meta tags for html publication#

Based on this page

  • Highwire Press/Google Scholar citation
  • Dublin Core
  • Eprints
  • BE Press bepress_

Semantic Web and Science #


‣ ‣ Example: Life Sciences#


Good example with overview of softwares etc … To read!

‣ ‣ Example: SciData#

SciData is a data model for scientific data (JSON-LD implementation) that provides a ontologically defined framework for organizing both the data and metadata from scientific experiments, calculations, and theories

From RAW HTML To Metadata#

  • [Simple HTML Ontology Extensions](Simple HTML Ontology Extensions)

to check: Microformat

Microdata #

Sometimes, it is desirable to annotate content with specific machine-readable labels, e.g. to allow generic scripts to provide services that are customized to the page, or to enable content from a variety of cooperating authors to be processed by a single script in a consistent manner. For this purpose, authors can use the microdata features described in this section. Microdata allows nested groups of name-value pairs to be added to documents, in parallel with the existing content.


Is it semantic ? Good first step

Compatible with ?

  • Info
  • itemscope
  • itemtype
  • itemid
  • itemprop
  • itemref
  • datetime

I don’t really use html tags (ie it is the point of JupyterBook to releive you from using use by building html from markdown files). However there is a few exception to this rule:

To explain complicated words I use span tags.

  • Ontology


Should I start putting span divs with microdata tags to be able to make my data linkable ?

Ask Alessio

‣ ‣ Example #

<div itemscope itemtype ="">
  <h1 itemprop="name">Avatar</h1>
  <div itemprop="director" itemscope itemtype="">
  Director: <span itemprop="name">James Cameron</span> (born <span itemprop="birthDate">August 16, 1954</span>)
  <span itemprop="genre">Science fiction</span>
  <a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html" itemprop="trailer">Trailer</a>

Microdata vocabularies do not provide the semantics, or meaning of an item

use vocabularies available on the web ->

Scientific Articles Metadata #

‣ ‣ JATS #

  • JATS: Journal Article Tag Suite Source - xml for scientif articles / publications

From Metadata in HTML to RDF#

<title>My Document</title>
<link rel="meta" type="application/rdf+xml" href="meta.rdf"/>


[Munir and Anjum, 2018]

Definition #

\( {\displaystyle i=\langle C_{i},R_{i},I_{i},T_{i},V_{i}\rangle } \)

  • C is the set of classes,
  • R is the set of relations,
  • I is the set of individuals,
  • T is the set of data types,
  • V is the set of values,

Ontologies come in different serialisations, formalisms, and variants For example, their are a 9 different release files associated with an ontology.

I would like to:

  • ?
  • Article - from taxonomy to ontology

Build a simple ontologie #


Open Source



Tutorial serie:

Software: Protege

  • Class / Subclass
    • The different foler / subfolder
  • Object properties can be given sense by adding **Characteristic
    • isMarkdown
    • is Folder


Relation from ensemble theory

  • Fuctional
  • Transitive
  • Symetric
  • Reflexive

To check

Online tutorials #

Ontology matching #

[Otero-Cerdeira et al., 2015]

To do#

To do

  • Think about what is important in the project
    • Define specific type of content within websiteand allocate proper description
    • look in for specific tag
  • embed RDF into web-page


To do

  • Check how to implement into JupyterBook
    • Github issue ?

What do I need to do #

  • Have a look at the preexisting ontologies (?) and select the one that are of interest
  • Think about what is important and need highlighting

Knowledge graphs#

OU Open knowledge graph

Other examples

  • from Angelo - This data is extracted from knowledge graph. (is it ?) - How?


  • Should I embed my own work (thesis) there ?
  • Better to generate my own parent website to create a publication plateform linking different work
  • Blog article I: Transforming Tabular Data into Personalized, Componentized Content using Knowledge Graphs in Python
  • Blog article II: Content Personalization with Knowledge Graphs in Python

Web-site architecture mapping


Convert xml to owl:


RSS ?#

  • RSS feed
  • Atom




  • Author: Vincent Deguin;

  • Status: flag alt > 🔎

  • Reviewed:

  • Updated: 28/05/2023

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