

This digital space where you have just set foot, is an experiment whose aim is to challenge the current scientific publication system by offering a creative alternative. There is a long way to go to get there though, and for the time being, it is a collection of Jupyter Books. They are canvas to share my research outputs and explore the tools available to make it Findable, Accesible, Interoperable and Reusable.


To implement

Potential funding / collaboration option:


PhD Thesis

Objectives #


nb-master #

Explain here what the website is about and the objective it is aimed at.

nb-museum #

Explain here what the website is about and the objective it is aimed at.
  • Info

Museum flag alt >

Where you are now

  • GitHub last commit

  • GitHub repo size

  • GitHub contributors

  • visitors

  • watchers

  • stars

  • To Do Lists
Trello Board
  • RSS Flux

nb-phd #

Explain here what the website is about and the objective it is aimed at.
  • Info


Project 1

  • GitHub last commit

  • GitHub repo size

  • GitHub contributors

  • visitors

  • watchers

  • stars

  • To Do Lists
Trello Board
  • RSS Flux

nb-teaching #

Explain here what the website is about and the objective it is aimed at.
  • Info


Teaching material

  • GitHub last commit

  • GitHub repo size

  • GitHub contributors

  • visitors

  • watchers

  • stars

  • To Do Lists
Trello Board
  • Priority
  • RSS Flux


Science By & For People


Innovation Journey #


implement list of figures#


  • Export and use the svg rather than png and color the phases that are done (use picto for things that are still under work or need to redo etc)

» Research Toolbox#

For me

For people

  • To Do
    • Ross - Cosmochemistry
      Zak - Observational Astronomy (JWST)
      Hugh - Python, Machine Learning
      Pierre - Modelling
      Astra - Physics education
      Alessio - Semantic Web
      Giulia - Observation Astronomy

    » Workflow#

    How it all work together
    Astra Poster




    To consider

    • Semantic web workflow
    • Knowledge graph


    Do Research#

    • Focus: nb-museum

    Keep up to date with MYST-JS#

    Using the Hip-Hop website we are creating with Barry

    Next Steps#

    Validate the method by securing funding#

    Open Business Creators Fund#

    • Presentation


    Insert notes in version

    • The road tu funding

    Fill business case


    More Funding opportunities#

    • EOSC - European Open Science Cloud
      • Envisioned by the European Commission as a supporting landscape to foster open science and open innovation

    Fundation ?#

    Fondation de France - Annuaire

    List of potential donnors:

    Community building#

    Idealy I would like to build a community like those ones


    Create a discussion tab within Github repo !!

    Get recognised#

    Scientific Community#


    Keep a list of people interested in Open Science and that are suceptible to embrace the project.

    • Send them an email post PhD submission with online thesis

    Web community#

    Project aims#

    » Collaboration

    • What do I look for
    • How can we make it work
      • link with interaction workflow
    • How can people be acknowledge properly for their work.
  • Find Collaborators
    • Ross - Cosmochemistry
      Zak - Observational Astronomy (JWST)
      Hugh - Python, Machine Learning
      Pierre - Modelling
      Astra - Physics education
      Alessio - Semantic Web
      Giulia - Observation Astronomy

    Post PhD submition#

    In the future I intend to pursue a Web-development course (le Wagon - 2 month)

    **Coding school, le Wagon (inspiration Benjamin code)

    • 2 month
    • Needs finance (crowdsourcing ?)
    • Transform the Canvas book

    Build a community#

    • Involve people using the Teaching section first (friends ;)
    • Produce an interaction workflow Github
    And beyond


    Create a voting system (below accademia - first page) for people to choose a subject that they want to analyse (using public or personal data ?) and to create a specific book for it. Scientific collaboration with the general public towards subjects of public interests.

    Experts from different fields can collaborate towards solving the questions from the topic while producing tools for the people to perform further analysis

    • Measuring climate change,
    • Biodiversite sur le bassin d’Arcachon (pour toi le JIM)

    Financial independance#

    In order to further developp this project but also because science doesn’t pay much (especialy when you do it “out of the box”), it seems important to develop potential income solutions:

    My Expenditures#


    Free Version The main objective of the project is to change the mentality of the scientific community and a free version must always be available and favoured in most of the cases.

    Premium accounts 💥

    • Notion (price)

    • Github

    • Google drive (or other data repositories)

    In order to take full advantage of the tools I used, I need to have Premium accounts for a few of them (cf list left)

    Business (rough plan)#

    Free plan


    A simple template book plus some help to setting it up and resolve any primary issues.


    • Students (Master, PhD)

    • Early career researcher


    • 1 template book tailored for research (give link)

    • 1 setting-up session (1/2 a day)

    • 1 subsequent session (2h) to resolve any potential issue


    Cheap plan


    A more advanced book including some of the previous scientific outputs of the researcher (few hundreds £ depending on the work needed). help to setting it up and resolve any primary issues.


    • Senior Researcher

    • General public


    • 1 template book tailored for research (give link)

    • 1 setting-up session (1/2 a day)

    • 1 subsequent session (2h) to resolve any potential issue

    • Tailord accompaniement to include previous research (or objectives)

    Expensive plan


    Books designed for heavy data. All previous but accompaniement all along the lifetime of the project for a monthly fee


    • Big scientific groups

    • Companies





    • Author: Vincent Deguin;

    • Status: flag alt > 🔎

    • Reviewed:

    • Updated: 28/05/2023

    flag alt >Help


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